Monday, 23 May 2011

Illegal Coaching Institutes of South Extension Part One , New Delhi

I am a law abiding citizen of this country. I am a resident of South Ex Part I , New Delhi. The colony used to be the pride of New Delhi in its hey days. Now it is shame of New Delhi thanks to rampant and unplanned illegal commercialization and unauthorized constructions. I am really appalled by the courage of the offenders and the helplessness of MCD in curbing these land sharks. Sir the computer collages and institutes running in this area are a big nuisance to our existence. The master plan of Delhi 2021 brought with it lot of hope for us that we would finally be free of these problems and would be able to lead a peaceful retired life in our colony. But MPD 2021 looks to be more of an eyewash. Rather than curbing these institutes, many more have mushroomed after the announcement of MPD 2021. One such example is IIHT , E-73 Ground Floor , New Delhi 110049. This institute has opened its branch just 2-3 months back. There are numerous such examples. These institutes are dens for rowdy bullies and they often misbehave with the residents living in the area. They are paying bribes to officials and departments to continue to work in the residential area. Please help us.

Mixed use ( As taken from MPD 2021)

• Retail shops have been allowed in residential plots on ground floor on mixed use streets and commercial activity on all floors on commercial streets/areas. In addition, small retail shops of upto 20 sqm have been allowed on ground floor, in residential areas, including group housing, A & B colonies, village abadis and unauthorized colonies. Clinics and dispensaries permissible within 20 sqm area in residential areas.
• Commercial use existing prior to 1962 and commercial activity to the extent permitted in MPD 1962 has also been protected. Pre-1962 colonies have been equated to rehabilitation colonies within their respective categories.
• Nursing Homes, Dispensaries, Clinics, Banks, Nursery Schools, Guest Houses, etc. have been permitted in residential plots subject to criteria of plot-size and Right of Way (ROW) of the road.
• No restriction of plot-size and ROW for Nursing Homes, Clinics, Dispensaries and Pathology Labs in Walled City, Walled City extension, village abadis and unauthorized regularized colonies. Relaxation in minimum plot size to 100 sqm. for Nursing Homes, Clinics, Dispensaries, Pathology labs.
• Existing schools in non-conforming areas have been given opportunity to continue during next 3 years, subject to regularization. Coaching centers and tuition centers made permissible in residential plots and those in non-conforming area allowed to continue till end of May 2008.
• List of Professionals who can operate from residential premises has been expanded. It now includes Lawyer, Doctor, Architect, Chartered Accountant, Engineer, Company Secretary, Cost and Works Accountant, Town Planner, Media Professionals, Documentary Film Makers.
• Basements may be used for professional activity in Residential areas as well as for shops on notified mixed use/ commercial streets.

I have pleaded with the MCD and the monitoring committee lodging formal complaints and pleas but to no avail. Sir please look into the matter and free us of the clutches of these illegal intitutes who are operating without a single penny as conversion charges as the MCD has told them that A & B categories cannot run computer collages.
Looking forward to a favorable response.

Yours Truly,

I would request Mr Yogender Chandolia not to interfere in the working of the Monitoring Committee . The RWA and the people of South Extension have done no wrong to live in this hell. The civic amnesties like sewerage, parking, roads are under tremendous pressure. The standing committee of the MCD (Most Corrupt Department) and with a person like Chandolia at its helm of affairs , we are facing lot of nuisance. They are playing with the rules to facilitate a small bunch of landlords and the known notorious person of the area who is the owner of the Bengali Sweets Shop in connivance with the local councillor Ravinder Chaudhary. Please see the following facts :

1. None of these institutes has paid the conversion charges or the parking charges as per the MPD 2021. They are just misusing the system and looting the government. Ask the as to why have none of them paid the conversion charges.
2. It was apparent many years back that these institutes will not be allowed in this area and they should be sealed. They had gone to the court asking time till the end of session every time they got a notice from the MCD. Now when finally the time has come to seal them Yogender Chandolia is trying to put to waste the hard work done by the RWA. Who is this man to interfere in our colony and with the work of the Apex Court orders and the working of the monitoring committee. Please help us and save us from the corrupt duo of Ravinder Chaudhary and Yogender Chandolia. They both are hell bent upon selling us to the land sharks.
3. Why can’t these institutes most of which are on rent relocate to the wider road just a few yards away if their intentions are correct ?
4. What is the interest of Ravinder Chaudhary and Yogender Chandolia who themselves are hardly educated to interfere in the matters concerned with the MCD Monitoring Committee which is headed by eminent IAS officers and Army heads. Are these nitwits more capable than the MCD Monitoring Committee.
Please spare a thought for us and get rid of these parasites.

To ,
The Lt Governor,
New Delhi

Sub : Coaching institutes in the South Ex Part I, New Delhi 11049.


There are a number of computer institutes in South Ex Part I, New Delhi running illegally according to the MPD 2021 . The monitoring committee had thus recommended the sealing of these illegal institutes as per the law and to the relief of the local people and the RWA. Bengali Sweet owner has around seven buildings in the area which he has rented out to the computer institutes. He is the person who is using his political clout in connivance with Yognder chandolia and Ravinder Chaudhary to sabotage the efforts of the Supreme Court Monitoring Committee and he has damaged the south ex beyond repair. He is finishing the south ex completely.Please see the following points sir.

1.  It is a shame that some politicians are taking up this issue into politics arena . This is to bring to your notice that the MCD standing committee is misleading you by distorting the facts. The illegal computer and coaching institutes are causing lot of civic problems to the people and the supreme court monitoring committee has directed the MCD to seal these.
2.  But it seems the MCD standing committee has smelled a new Cash Cow. The deal is very lucrative. The local sweet shop BENGALI SWEETS HAS Seven BUILDINGS IN THE AREA RENTED OUT TO THE COMPUTER INSTITUTES. The owner of the Bengali Sweet Shop, Ravinder Chaudhary and Mr Yogender Chandolia are colluding together to mislead the Governor office into allowing these nuisances to continue just for the sake of a few land sharks. If you do a survey of the area all the computer institutes are on rent and should not have any problem shifting nearby to the main road where they can operate properly. It is very sad that these politicians do not think about the residents of the South Ex Part One as they do not form the vote bank. It is the rich landlords who are influencing the deal. It is a real shame. The MCD also knows that South Extension does not get the benefit of the pre 1962 colonies as it came up much later in the 1965. Now these people are trying to mislead the entire lot into believing what they want to show.
3.  The institutes are a nightmare to the local people and should be sealed. Most of them are dubious institutes doling our fake and spurious degrees to gullible students. The collages are creating havoc for the common residents of the colony and civic amenities like Parking , Sewage , Roads etc. The residents have been fighting for a long time to get rid of these illegal institutes and it came as a pleasant surprise to see the article in Hindustan Times regarding the sealing of these illegal commercial establishments. But to our horror next day Chandolia who is known corrupt man took up the matter that there will be no sealing.
4.  Get me a single resident of the South Extension who says that the institutes should be allowed to continue. This man Chandolia and the local councilor Ravinder Chaudhary are conniving with the MCD to hoodwink the common man and the MCD monitoring committee. We spoke to Mr K J Rao and he said that he had given the orders to seal these institutes and it was up to the MCD to do the sealing now. It is a shame that people like Chandolia and Ravinder Chaudhary who do not even know the ground realities of South Ex are running the show. They are getting huge bribes from these computer institutes monthly to allow them. Bengali Sweets owner Ravi is running Seven Coaching institutes in the area and he is mediating between these corrupt people.

South Ex used to be the best colony in Delhi two decades back before these illegal commercial establishments cropped up. Now these people are playing with the facts and distorting them . Please go by the rules of the MPD 2021 and let us restore the colony to the past glory. Have some pity. We are tired of being cheated again and again.
It is a humble plea to the Governor not to agree to this illegal demand and seal these institutes . All the people are against this illegal activities and just for these greedy people do not sentence us to a life in hell.
Looking forward to prompt action from your side sir.